60% OFF (Upto 70 tk)
Are you a bKash user? Are you already a regular user of Shohoz Rides? Good news for you!
Now pay Shohoz rides fare through bKash and get 60% OFF (Upto 70 tk)
Apply coupon code: “ SHZ70BK “. Offer valid for next 10 rides within 8 October
To active the discount, go to “coupon” option and change the payment setting from cash to bKash. Apply coupon code: “ SHZ70BK “.
Complete 10 rides within 8 october to get 2 additional free rides on Shohoz!
Offer terms and conditions:
- This offer is eligible for bKash transaction only.
- This offer is valid for next 10 rides
- In case of use wants to change the payment from bKash to cash, this offer will not be valid for that particular ride.
- User must apply coupon code first and select payment option to bKash before/while requesting ride.
- User must select the specific coupon code without which otherwise the discount will not apply.
- Shohoz reserves the right to cancel any discount coupon from any user if any suspicious activity is found.
- This offer isn’t eligible while using bKash App/USSD app seperately for payment
- To avail this offer, user has to have an active bKash account with sufficient balance
- Offer is valid till 8 october. Shohoz reserves the right to change the expirary date of the offer at any point of time.
- Shohoz will not be hold liable for any coupon or discount failure due to network error.
- Shohoz reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any point of time.
- To be eligible for FREE rides, user has to complete 10 rides within 3 October.
- Free rides coupon will be sent to users after 3rd october based on usage.
- Free rides coupon will have a maximum upto 200 tk.
- To know how to pay Shohoz Rides fare through bKash. Click here
For more details about details about how to pay Shohoz Rides fare through bKash check this video:
প্রিয় গ্রাহক, এই টিউটোরিয়াল টিতে দেখতে পারবেন কীভাবে সহজ রাইডের পেমেন্ট বিকাশের মাধ্যমে করবেন:
১। bKash -এর মাধ্যমে পেমেন্ট করতে চাইলে ক্যাশ বাটনটিতে ক্লিক করুন
২। Screen -এ দেখতে পাচ্ছেন, ক্যাশ এবং bKash -এর জন্য আলাদা অপশন রয়েছে। এখান থেকে bKash option টি সিলেক্ট করুন
৩। এবার আপনার গন্তব্যের ঠিকানাটি Input দিয়ে রাইড রিকুয়েস্ট করুন
৪। রাইড কমপ্লিট হলে “Pay with bKash” button টিতে ক্লিক করুন
৫। ক্লিক করার পর আপনি bKash -এর মেনু অপশনটি দেখতে পারবেন।
প্রথমে আপনার bKash account number টি দিন এবং Proceed করুন
৬। এর পর bKash এর sms থেকে পাওয়া bKash verification code টি দিয়ে Proceed করুন
৭। পেমেন্ট টি নিশ্চিত করতে আপনার bKash account -এর পাসওয়ার্ডটি দিয়ে কনফার্ম করুন
৮। Congrats! আপনার রাইডের পেমেন্ট বিকাশের মাধ্যমে সম্পূর্ণ হয়েছে!
First ride free (Upto 120 tk) for new Users
Good news for bKash users! Now signup on Shohoz rides and get your first ride free (Upto 120 tk) by paying with bKash. Apply coupon code: “SHZ120BK”
To active the discount, go to “coupon” and change the payment setting from cash to bKash. Apply coupon code: “SHZ120BK“. This offer is eligible for 1st ride only. Offer expires: 15 October 2018Offer terms and conditions:
- This offer is eligible for bKash transaction only.
- This offer is valid for first ride only.
- In case of use wants to change the payment from bKash to cash, this offer will not be valid for that first ride.
- User must apply coupon code first and select payment option to bKash before/while requesting ride.
- User must select the specific coupon code without which otherwise the discount will not apply.
- Shohoz reserves the right to cancel any discount coupon from any user if any suspicious activity is found.
- Offer is valid till 15 october. Shohoz reserves the right to change the expirary date of the offer at any point of time.
- This offer isn’t eligible while using bKash App/USSD app seperately for payment
- To avail this offer, user has to have an active bKash account with sufficient balance
- Shohoz will not be hold liable for any coupon or discount failure due to network error.
- Shohoz reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any point of time.
- To know how to pay Shohoz Rides fare through bKash. Click here